Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 4: Juice Feast/Fast

Almost to the end of Day 4.  Feeling much better today.  I didn't wake up with the massive headache, although there was some headache present so I took a bit of the black cumin seed oil.  We'll see if the testimonials are true about it.

This past day I haven't had much hungry.  I drank some lemon juice with ginger and water and another glass of grapefruit juice.  I made another grapefruit juice for later and two green juices.

I noticed my skin cleared up quite a bit during the night.  The bumps on my forehead have almost completely disappeared.

I took advantage of this morning's energy to look a bit at my finances and where I needed to cut costs and also to clean up a bit around the house.  My plan is to go out to the bookstore for a bit.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 3: Juice Fast/Feast

Today is the end of Day 3.  I had a massive headache upon awakening and couldn't help but take something for the pain.  However, I got the bottle of black cumin seed oil that I had ordered from Mountain Rose Herbs.  I ordered it on Christmas Day and it's already here.  That was fast!  I read that black cumin seed oil had been used for over 2,000 years as a remedy for headaches, particularly migraines, so if I wake up with another nasty headache, I will try out this remedy.

I went to work today and again I am very happy I chose the holidays to begin this, as I had started a new job two months ago so I didn't have a lot of days off.  Being that there were days off between now and New Year's, this really helped since I have such low energy.  At work, I was fine until about 11:30 a.m., but then I started to feel just awful-headache, nausea, and complete lack of energy.  I usually at least walk outside at lunch if I'm not eating that day (which I won't be for another 30 or so days!).  I couldn't do anything today but sit at my desk.  Plus, it was 10F or so outside.

On the way home on the bus, my stomach was in such pain and the nausea was almost unbearable.  That had to be one of the longest bus rides ever.

When I got home, I took a nap for about 45 minutes and when I woke up, I was covered in sweat.  Ick!

So I'm sure hoping this wave of detoxing will be over soon because it is awful.  While I once did a 12 days juice fast, it was not like this.  That tells me that this time my body seriously needs this detox.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 2: Juice Fast/Feast

I've made it through Day 2 now.  Today, I was extremely tired.  I woke up around 8:00 a.m. and feel back asleep until 10:00 a.m.  Then I feel back asleep at 12:15-1:10 p.m.  My skin is definitely showing signs of the detox.  Little red bumps on my forehead and chin.  I'm glad I decided to start this when I had a few days off of work here and there due to the holidays.  Also, I woke up with a massive headache and the headache has been steady most of the day.  Where I got a tooth implant has also started acting up.  An old injury already getting ready for healing (I hope!).

I've been thinking more about the goals I set for 2014: to write the first draft of a book and to start a small business.  Being that I am committed to rest and working on my goals, I think I should surely accomplish these two tasks.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Juice Fast/Feast Beginnings: Day 1

So I've finally decided to go with a juice fast.  The reason the title says juice fast/feast is because some people prefer to refer to its as a feast vs. a fast, as it sounds a bit more positive this way.  I've signed up for an official 30-day program beginning on Sunday, January 5, but I'm an inpatient person and so figure, why not get a head start?  My last meal was lunch at a Japanese restaurant on the Gold Coast (downtown Chicago).  A delicious curry with rice and soft tofu.  Yum!  I finished that up at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 27.  So I've officially survived Day 1.  My purpose in these postings is to take you through just what occurred for me through my juice fast/feast.  The plan is to go 90-100 days, but the more I read, the more I realize your body will tell you when it's ready to stop.  While I eat relatively healthy, I know in the last few months I have eaten way too many chocolate bars and ate one too many gluten-free chips.  I dusted off the juicer I have, which is an Omega Fruit and Vegetable Juicer, in case you were curious.

What I am hoping to accomplish through this experiement is:
  • less headaches/migraines
  • better digestion
  • eliminate pain in both knees
  • more energy and concentration/focus
  • eliminate nightly teeth grinding

I have managed 12 days before once undertaking the juice fast/feast, although I did sneak a few small pieces of chocolate here and there, along with a few raw cashews.

Day 1:
Not too bad. I was able to run errands like grocery shopping, get my hair and nails done, and make dinner for my husband.  Of course, I made the juices for myself and cleaned up afterwards. I'm looking forward to next Sunday when the juices are made for me.  Here are the effects I've experienced today from the juice fast/feast.
  • strong nausea for an hour or so
  • slight headache
  • stomach pain
  • tiredness later in the evening
  • not hungry
So all in all, not a bad start.  Days 2 1/2 to 4 were the worst last time so like last time, not too much problem on Day 1.  I'm hoping I bypass any extremes this time.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Focus: Getting Rid of Things that Don't Contribute to the End Goal

Okay, so I'm just as guilty as the next person of this one.  I want to complete my goals, but along the way, there are hundreds of things that I would also like to do.  I'm a great multi-tasker, but there is only so much time in the day.

Here's the story: So I love learning.  Not that long ago, I learned I could take university courses online free of charge with a site called Coursera.  Naturally, I wanted to take tons of them, particularly the ones about art, architecture and different beliefs.  I'm thinking to myself, if I don't take them now, they might not be there again.  I know I should be working on my historical fiction book.  I know I should be working on my webinar presentations for my coaching business.  But I was spending way too much time on those courses so I went ahead and un-enrolled myself from the majority of them.  I figure when I accomplish what I need to accomplish, I can go back to my saved courses list and take them when I have some more free time.

And what about the possibility that those courses won't be there when I get some free time?  That's a chance I'm going to have to take, because accomplishing my goals and dreams needs to come first.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Focus: Keep a Notebook for Thoughts that Pop Up

One of the most important things a person needs to succeed is the ability to focus.  If we are trying to do too many things or are constantly distracted, than we are not able to focus.  Now focusing is easier said than done.  As an example, I've tried meditating off and on, and every time I do it, I find that I sit there and think of all the things I need to do.  Instead of getting frustrated, I keep a small notebook by me or a piece of paper and write down those thoughts and get back to meditating and before long, I find that I've cleared up most of the reminders and things to do and I can get back to the task on hand.  I also do this while at my corporate job.  There are tons of things to do in a day, as well as constant interruptions like the phone and email.

Focusing on the task or what you want to accomplish will help you achieve the results you are after.  I give my self so much time to complete something and if the time runs out that day, then I schedule myself some more time the next day until the task has been accomplished.  When I'm doing that task, I do only that task.  No multi-tasking.  The most successful people in the world know how to focus.

Try the notebook for your notes when focusing on one task and see if that frees up your mind and lowers your stress level.

Finally! Up and Running. :)

I was certified a few years ago in life coaching through the Coach Training Alliance.  At the time, I really found the program more about my own self-development as I was going through a difficult time then.  Over the years, more and more people I know ask me for advice or just want me to be an ear to listen to what is going on in their life.  This has pushed me to think that I can certainly offer this service to others.

My specializations include:
  • helping people get organized: their stuff (home and office), their life, their plans
  • project management (getting projects started and keeping them going)
  • motivation
  • stress management
  • relaxation therapy
  • weight loss and healthy eating
  • saving money and reaching your financial goals
Future services and workshops will include:
  • color therapy
  • meditation
  • creating vision boards
  • creating spirit dolls
I look forward to working with you soon.
