Saturday, December 7, 2013

Focus: Getting Rid of Things that Don't Contribute to the End Goal

Okay, so I'm just as guilty as the next person of this one.  I want to complete my goals, but along the way, there are hundreds of things that I would also like to do.  I'm a great multi-tasker, but there is only so much time in the day.

Here's the story: So I love learning.  Not that long ago, I learned I could take university courses online free of charge with a site called Coursera.  Naturally, I wanted to take tons of them, particularly the ones about art, architecture and different beliefs.  I'm thinking to myself, if I don't take them now, they might not be there again.  I know I should be working on my historical fiction book.  I know I should be working on my webinar presentations for my coaching business.  But I was spending way too much time on those courses so I went ahead and un-enrolled myself from the majority of them.  I figure when I accomplish what I need to accomplish, I can go back to my saved courses list and take them when I have some more free time.

And what about the possibility that those courses won't be there when I get some free time?  That's a chance I'm going to have to take, because accomplishing my goals and dreams needs to come first.

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